securebaseMS will help your company adopt industry best practice in the capture, management and reporting of all of site and corporate based security incidents.
securebaseMS has a unique dashboard allowing you to pick up any developing trends, conduct risk assessment, and measure the performance of risk mitigation techniques. SecureBase supports data-driven decision-making and provides for a more-accurate estimation of your return on investment in security and streamlines the security management process.

The securebaseMS Application consists of the following features;
-    Incident Reporting Register
-    Surveillance/CCTV Reporting Register
-    Offender Register
-    Property/Exhibit Register
-    Security or ID Pass Register (Generation of and Printing)
-    Vehicle Pass Register (Generation of and Printing)
-    Action Log Tracking / Administration Register
-    Automated Email alert System
-    Automated weekly and Monthly report generator
-    Report and Chart Wizards
-    Full Audit of user activity

Incident Reporting Register
-    Ensures that all incidents are properly identified, recorded and resolved
-    Comprehensive management  and tracking of all security related incidents on or off site
-    Photographic and video evidence library
-    Incident linking to comprehensive offender database
-    Automatic Email notification for incidents that involve the use of weapons, discharge of firearms, offender / suspect injuries, Action Assignment, etc.
-    Attach and review  witness, complainant and offender statements in PDF format
-    Record immediate actions taken, assign and track follow-up actions
-    Comprehensive property register
-    Confidential option for incidents that are part of an ongoing investigation or of a highly sensitive nature
-    Attach all relevant Investigation documentation to report
-    Assign police reference number to incident
-    Record all court details
-    Record departmental details if dealt with internally
-    Print incident reports in word format

Automated Email Alerts
securebase generates automatic email notification for incidents that involve the use of weapons, discharge of firearms, offender or suspect injuries and pending court dates to ensure that your security management system remains up-to-date at all times.

Report and Chart Wizards
SecureBase's unique wizards provide you with customized incident reports and charts that allow you to answer security incident breach queries, with information presented in an easy-to-read tabular or chart format capable of being exported to Microsoft Excel

Automated Report Generator
SecureBase automatically generates customized weekly and monthly reports to suit your management needs such as Microsoft Word incident reports including details of incident, summary of actions taken and the assignment and tracking of follow-up actions.

Offender/Suspect Register
-    Manage all suspect and offender data, records;
-    Descriptions
-    Aliases
-    Distinguishing marks and features
-    Criminal history information
-    Gang, group and employee associations
-    Photographs
-    Intelligence reports.
-    Categorise offenders based on the crime committed
-    Search database on
-    Descriptions
-    Aliases
-    Distinguishing marks and features
-    Gang, group and employee associations
-    Next of kin

Property and Exhibit Register
-    Automatically generated exhibit number and barcode future scanning system
-    Attach photos to property
-    Exhibit Register built into application
-    Log an exhibit in and out
-    Record when and by whom
-    Log disposal details and generate disposal receipt
-    Record all property that has been damaged, stolen or recovered.
-    Built in Exhibit log that generates a unique number and tracks the logging in and out of all exhibits.

Action Register
-    Raise an action /s against an employee
-    Email sent out to recipient detailing the action required.

CCTV/Surveillance Reporting Module

-    The CCTV module is used by your
-    Surveillance or CCTV team to enter all;
-    breaches of company policy and procedure
-    criminal and or suspicious activity
-    attach video to an incident
-    observed Occupational Health and Safety issues

The Surveillance module also provides you with;
-    Comprehensive management  and tracking of all surveillance generated issues
-    Record immediate actions taken, assign and track follow-up actions
-    Automatic Email notification of any activity


You guys make my life easy - absolutely fantastic to deal with. Thanks very much for the past year of development and customisations to our business needs.- James Gordon